This ghost story is rated Mature by its author, and contains material meant for readers 18+

the girl in my room

the girl in my room

this is the story, or rather more stories of my house
So I was 8 at the time and I slept in a room right by one of the hallways in my house. This used to be my sisters room, but she swore she saw stuff so it was now mine, I was so happy to have my own room. The first week went fine until one night my sister walked past my room and saw something sitting on my bed at my feet. She told me about it the next morning thinking it was my niece but my niece was at a sleep over that night... then when i was 12 i saw this little girl in my room, i couldn't see half her face at first and i was scared so i faked like i was asleep until she turned to me. Half her face was burnt off, and she said these words "I know youre not asleep, there is no need to fake" then disappeared and her voice was so familiar.

 I told my aunt, and she said her and my grandma have all seen the same thing. We did some research and my house had burnt down in the 1930s and a little girl about 8 had died in it. We decided to search more and found some old photos of the towns opening, the little ghost girl we all saw was staring at the camera lense... after we found that weird stuff started happening again and the only way we could get it to stop wads apologizing and it went on for a month until one day it suddenly stopped... I don't know what made them stop but luckily it hasn't happened since.

© brook - 03-07-19

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that reminds me of when i visited an old dilapidated castle. i saw a teenage boy and questione my mom about him, but she said she didnt see him

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Added 03-07-19


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