Top 100 Stories

50 Most Replied To Stories 50 Most Viewed Stories
My First Experience (27 replies)
Fatal Ouija Board (16 replies)
My future (9 replies)
The Ghost Child wants our daughter (6 replies)
Study Buddy (6 replies)
Kramer Has Company (6 replies)
The Voice of Fire (6 replies)
the clown (6 replies)
Paranormal Entity in Upstate NY (5 replies)
scared sh*tless (5 replies)
I'm sleeping with my lights on (secret on what I'm going to be when I die at end) (5 replies)
The Beginning (5 replies)
Ouija Board (5 replies)
the stupidest disishen iv ever made part 1 (4 replies)
my doppelganger (4 replies)
The girl on my ceiling (4 replies)
Tidy ghost (4 replies)
DIZZY YET? (4 replies)
The scariest thing I have ever seen (4 replies)
good puppy (4 replies)
That night when she spoke to us (4 replies)
Priscilla Buckley, 1940-2009 (4 replies)
Campfire Delight, or was it? (4 replies)
Awakened (4 replies)
The Cell Phone (3 replies)
Black Eyed Kid (3 replies)
Weird strange things (3 replies)
I'm still doing a lot of work on the website (3 replies)
A Flying Lesson... (3 replies)
He wants to take me (3 replies)
The Button-Eyed Man (3 replies)
Our third roommate (3 replies)
the night i will never forget (3 replies)
Setsubun (3 replies)
The Ghost in the bathroom. (3 replies)
Am I possessed!? (3 replies)
Little Girl Ghost (2 replies)
The Ghost of Christmas? (2 replies)
Daytime activity (2 replies)
the guest bedroom ghost.. (2 replies)
Shadow Being (2 replies)
My Aversion With The Ouija Board (2 replies)
The Ghost Girl Of Medfield (2 replies)
Soul Walking (2 replies)
The ghost in the Attic (2 replies)
The Watcher in the Mirror (2 replies)
Rivaled Possession (2 replies)
Dorming with Ghosts: The Many Spirits of Marillac Hall (2 replies)
Haunted Hotel (2 replies)
Last Goodbye (2 replies)
Fatal Ouija Board (13,587 views)
My First Experience (12,825 views)
My future (10,748 views)
Campfire Delight, or was it? (8,647 views)
Possession, Dark vs light, Mystical vs God (8,323 views)
Ouija Board (8,009 views)
Demonic Neighbor (7,179 views)
A Mississippi Haunting (7,086 views)
Paranormal Entity in Upstate NY (6,866 views)
Rumors (6,642 views)
God Will Get You (6,421 views)
possessd (6,173 views)
The Confused Man (5,591 views)
scared sh*tless (5,284 views)
Kramer Has Company (4,932 views)
Rivaled Possession (4,768 views)
Tidy ghost (4,643 views)
My Aversion With The Ouija Board (4,446 views)
Study Buddy (4,341 views)
Cautionary Premonition (4,335 views)
The Ghost Child wants our daughter (4,253 views)
I'm sleeping with my lights on (secret on what I'm going to be when I die at end) (4,249 views)
He wants to take me (4,104 views)
I Hear Springs - Irish Accent (4,074 views)
Ghost of Teenage Girl (4,063 views)
The Laughing Ghost (4,053 views)
The Ghost Girl Of Medfield (3,846 views)
Priscilla Buckley, 1940-2009 (3,843 views)
The Voice of Fire (3,737 views)
Face In The Kramer Print (3,615 views)
Awakened (3,598 views)
DIZZY YET? (3,458 views)
The girl on my ceiling (3,456 views)
The Beginning (3,366 views)
Watching over me (3,298 views)
the clown (3,269 views)
Our third roommate (3,203 views)
Troubled Road (3,155 views)
good puppy (3,147 views)
A Flying Lesson... (3,131 views)
The Ghost in the bathroom. (3,031 views)
The Cell Phone (3,009 views)
The Figurines (2,982 views)
Setsubun (2,906 views)
Midnight Visitor (2,869 views)
Last Goodbye (2,844 views)
Black Eyed Kid (2,843 views)
Little Girl Ghost (2,825 views)
Soul Walking (2,810 views)
Haunted Hotel (2,769 views)

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