This ghost story is rated Mature by its author, and contains material meant for readers 18+
This ghost story is rated Mature by its author, and contains material meant for readers 18+
WEIRD phone call
I never got another weird phone, but I will never forget that day.
One day I was home alone, and I was playing football with my friends outside when I got a weird call on my phone. There was just breathing, so we thought it was a prank call. Then it happened again when I was in my friend's house, someone spoke and they said die! And I said, why? They then said, 'you are a piece of trash', and I said, how am I going to die? The person on the line said, you will kill yourself while walking home by getting shot! And that was it for me, I finally said bye, then hung up.I never got another weird phone, but I will never forget that day.
© MATTHEW - 01-02-19
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Yep, this is very weird, indeed.
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