This ghost story is rated Mature by its author, and contains material meant for readers 18+
This ghost story is rated Mature by its author, and contains material meant for readers 18+
The Beginning
This is from the first chapter of my book, my story started out when I was very young in Michigan; and continues today in Arizona. All of the stories that I post are true.
When we start our journey into this world we open our eyes to the truth, we do not have blinders on and do not have any preconceived notions about what we will face in our lives. They say that children see beyond the veil of our world, into the unknown. We as adults fear it because we don’t understand it, children see it as an everyday occurrence. We all have abilities it is our birth right, but it is up to us whether we want to use it. My story begins at a very young age, and honestly, I can’t remember which came first; the Ouija board or the ghost that I call White Man. I will just start with my first paranormal experience. My bedroom was at the front of the house on the second level and had a big bay window overlooking a huge olive tree in the front yard. Call it stupid, but during the day I used to love to sit on my bed and watch all the people walk by on the sidewalk, come night time; it was a different story. The olive tree scared me, the moonlight in the sky luminating the front yard scared me, and it was no longer a serene yard with happy people walking by. It became my nightmare.
I am not sure why I was looking outside in the heavy darkness, but something made me. I looked up and plain as day I saw a figure, a figure I will never forget. I say the apparition was a “he” because that is the way it felt to me, very big, very strong, very masculine. The figure had a white gown on, no feet, no face, and I could not see hands. The hair was grey, very long and twisted; almost like dreadlocks. I was frozen, still. I could not breathe. White Man was very tall, huge all the way around in fact. I could not believe what I was seeing, and to this day I still can’t believe it, but it was real. It could not have been my imagination because this figure was something that at that age, I could not even conjure up in my dreams. The fear just takes over and your body becomes completely still, like you are in some sort of a trance. I only told two people, they were my close friends at the time; I never told my parents.
After this, going to bed was a chore for me, it was scary, and it was always a heavy darkness. This is the stuff that you only see in movies, yet I saw it with my own eyes. Every night when I went to bed, I would line up all my stuffed animals on either side of me, and at the foot of my bed. This was my protection, they were my so-called body guards. I thought in my own mind that White Man could not come near me if I had my protective barrier around me. Turns out that later in life while developing my abilities, I learned that you need to set protective barriers for yourself to stay grounded and safe. I won’t get into the abilities stuff now, but I wanted to make a point. I set my barrier up, and White Man never came in my room. I was doing the right thing with setting my intention, and I didn’t even know it.
After that night life went on, but in the back of my mind he was always there. I hadn’t seen him in a while, and I had felt like maybe he was gone for good. I was wrong. I had gone to a friend’s house for the afternoon, she had a tent set up in her yard that we liked to play in. Her backyard was a decent size and it had plenty of green lush bushes, so it was easy to pretend we were camping in the woods. It was a cloudy kind of hazy day, and a little fall chill was in the air. I remember sitting in front of the tent just carrying on as kids do, until I noticed something. Something was peeking out at me crouched down at the back of the tent. White man had made his appearance. This time I saw his face, it was white, dark eyes with grey highlights on it; almost like the perfect makeup job for a Halloween attraction. I froze at first and then began to scream and went running into my friend’s house. She asked me what was wrong, she wanted to know why I was so scared. I told her what I saw, she didn’t believe me.
After that I never saw White Man again, but somehow, he is always there in the back of my mind. This was my first experience and it is an experience that I will never forget. Life went on for me, but the fear always remained, and little did I know; this was the beginning for me. By beginning I mean the beginning of my journey into the unknown, this is where the ability part comes into play.
They say that everyone has abilities but if you don’t accept it and don’t choose to work with it, you will never know your true higher power. We are all energy living in a human shell, and when we die our energy remains, our body dies, and our soul lives on (I believe) in the heavens. My favorite thing to do before falling asleep was to push my eyes closed, wait for all the dots and lines to disappear; and then try to guess which village, city or person was appearing before my closed eyes. I had no idea that this was a part of my third eye development. If you don’t know what a third eye is, google it; there is a ton of information on it. This didn’t play an important part in my childhood, but it does play a very important role in my adult life; which I will get into later in the book.
Did I grab your attention yet? Keep reading, because this story gets even crazier and more extreme. You may never be the same again.
© My Proof of The Paranormal - 02-13-19
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Well, I'm intrigued . . .cant wait for more!
Thank you so much!!
My book is available on Amazon.. $1.99 download. https://www.amazon.com/My-Proof-Paranorm...B07HNKKGGD It is a continuation of this story, and is all true as well.
I love this story! I will definitely be buying the book and looking into your story! Thanks for sharing.
Great!! Thank you!! I really appreciate it!!
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