This ghost story is rated Mature by its author, and contains material meant for readers 18+
This ghost story is rated Mature by its author, and contains material meant for readers 18+
Ouija Board
This is a true story, but I want to warn everyone not to use Ouija boards so you don't lose your best friend like I lost mine.
I'm warning you and I want you to know, if you have ever used an Ouija board or if you ever want to use one, don't do it! My best friend Jake died using one. He downloaded a stupid app on his phone and then he asked it when he going to die. The Ouija board told him he would die that night, but we all laughed it off, thinking it was just a game. That evening, he rode his bike home and in the morning the police found his body. He took the short cut home, so he had traveled alone in the dark by himself through the woods where the police said the brakes on his bike must have failed, and he had drowned in a creek. The evidence points out he was flung over his handlebars. This is a true story, but I want to warn everyone not to use Ouija boards so you don't lose your best friend like I lost mine.
© Charlotte - 01-08-19
Tip Jar Support content creators. Any contribution is made directly to this author.
That so sad I'm very sorry for your loss?????????
I always look for apps like this but I've played across all apps because I want to try as soon as this story is real
I've always loved the boards since I was 9 years old and now I'm 61 years old and have never had anything bad happenEd to me never
is someone there
after playing with an ouja board, books flew off my shelf...
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